12 Reasons to Choose a Gas Fireplace
Spectacular looks and a warm cozy home should be reasons enough to own a gas fireplace.
But for the unconvinced out there, here are a dozen more great reasons that you should get a gas fireplace.
1. Beautiful Warmth
How many things in life are both practical and beautiful at the same time?
You can choose between realistic looking ceramic logs, stones, rocks, quartz or coals, depending on the manufacturer and model.
This flame media may be real or simulated.
Gas fireplaces also come in various finishes and many have attractive glass fronts.
There really is a look available for everyone.
2. Lots of Heat and Fast
Gas fireplaces are available with high heat output ratings and you can have it instantly.
As a result, they can heat your home quickly and efficiently.
You’ll really appreciate this when you get up on a cold morning or when you return home late at night.
3. Instant On & Off
Unlike a wood fireplace, a gas fireplace starts instantly and can be turned off just as fast.
No more wasting time starting a fire and no worries if you decide to go to sleep or need to leave your home unattended.
4. Resale Value
A gas fireplace adds to the resale value of your home.
The numbers quoted are generally 75% or more of the initial investment.
5. Mood Enhancer
Is there anything more seductive than sitting in front of a beautiful fireplace on a cold evening?
Maybe I’m just a hopeless romantic, but there’s nothing better in my book!
6. No Cleanup
An additional mood enhancer for me is the fact that I don’t have to clean up the soot and ash.
No brushes, shovels or ash buckets involved.
Gas fireplaces burn clean, with no cleanup required.
7. No Wood Storage Required
If you own a wood fireplace, you also need to have someplace dry to store the wood.
It should be kept away from your home, as firewood is a notorious breeding ground for termites and spiders.
8. No Cutting, Splitting, Stacking, Drying or Carrying Firewood
Firewood takes work… backbreaking work.
If you do it yourself, you need to cut, split, stack, dry, and carry it to the fireplace.
Even if you buy your firewood already split and seasoned, you still need to stack it and constantly carry it into the fire.
No fun, especially when it’s raining or cold!
9. Thermostats and Remote Controls
Gas fireplaces offer the user complete and instant control.
The temperature is thermostatically regulated and many models even have remote controls.
Not too hot or too cold, just right.
Some even have programmable timers so that the unit comes on automatically.
Try doing that with a wood fire!
10. They Can Go Almost Anywhere
Gas fireplaces can be installed into walls, existing masonry fireplaces, or be freestanding in a room.
There are specific models for each kind of installation.
They are so versatile that they can be installed almost anywhere in your home.
11. Better Indoor Air Quality
In contrast to smoky wood fireplaces, modern gas fireplace have zero indoor emissions.
They have direct vents for the incoming combustion air and a flue or power flue to take the combustion gas outside the home.
12. Christmas
What’s Christmas without stockings hung over a fireplace?
You can add a mantel to any inbuilt gas fireplace so there’s lots of room for stockings and tinsel.
It truly is the crowning touch.